What is veToken critical Asset LP
ve3Asset — Asset liquidity pools (LPs) are critical to enable such protocols continuously hounding regular users to lock the veAsset permanently. In other words, in order to attract users continuously lock veAsset from the market, veToken need to maintain ve3Asset — Asset to 1:1 ratio.
What is POL ? (Protocol Owned Liquidity)
veToken Finance will own most of its critical Asset LP (eg, ve3CRV - CRV) liquidity thanks to the bonding mechanism inherited from Olympus.
veToken will not have to pay costly farming rewards to maintain ve3CRV-CRV close to 1:1 ratio
Earns fees and staking rewards from owning its those liquidity.
Guaranteed liquidity for market participants.
All POL can be used to back $VE3D, supporting the price floor.
Does veToken use rebase ?
No, we only use POL strategy to maintain critical Asset LP (eg, ve3CRV - CRV) liquidity
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