
Fee Info

There is a 17% total fee on all veAsset revenue generated by integrated ve-model projects.

Phase 1 :

  • 10% goes to ve3Token stakers. This is paid out as veAsset. (Pickle, IDLE, etc)

  • 6% goes to VE3D and xVE3D stakers . This is paid out as ve3Token. (ve3IDLE, ve3ANGLE, etc)

  • 1% goes to the harvest caller. This is paid out as veAsset. (Pickle, IDLE, Anagle, ETC)

Phase 2: Setup by DAO and Governance.


  • Fees are token only from protocol LP pools; no fees are taken from veAsset fees .

  • Fees are paid as ve3Token, which minted 1:1 from locked veAsset.

Last updated

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