$VE3D and $xVE3D

What is $VE3D?

VE3D (Delegated ve(3,3)) is the governance token for the veToken Platform; it captures the fee revenue that is generated by the system, and incentivizes early depositor and ve model token economics adopters.

  • Stake to receive a share of platform fees as ve3Token

  • $VE3D is minted proportional for each veAsset token claimed by Liqudity providers on veToken Finance

    • VE3D / veAsset mint ratio formula can be found here (release soon)

What is $xVE3D?

when users lock their $VE3D for 16 weeks , they receive $xVE3D in return.

  • Receive integrated ve model protocol revenue

  • Voting power to change gauge weights

  • Claim integrated ve model protocol airdrops

  • Bribes or collateral in other protocols

  • Participate veToken governance

$xVE3D holders are able to participate and contribute governance. For more details, please see Governance Tab.

$VE3D Distributions

  • Distribution Max Supply: 100 million

  • 30% ve-model projects LP rewards and veAsset lock rewards.

  • 30% Bond allocation For bootstrap Protocol owned liquidity for ve3Asset - Asset SLP (eg: ve3CRV - CRV LP).

  • 6% for partnership incentives, (airdrop, bootstrapping etc)

  • 9% Treasury. Vested over 1.5 year. These tokens will be used to fund grants, hackathons, events, and other community-focused efforts

  • 15% Team and advisors. Vested over 1.5 year

  • 10% Investors. Vested over 1.5 year

Last updated